Video Streaming

Home Enterprise Solutions Video Streaming


Sports organizations, educational content providers, entertainment providers, travel agencies, real estate companies, TV broadcasters, cartoon productions, and many others want to make their video content available for online viewing on mobile devices.

About Plum Play – IP Video stream solution

The company Network Manager developed Plum Play in 2022., a comprehensive system for online presenting all types of video content on every user’s mobile device and Smart TV.  With the Plum Play solution, every organization can provide branded applications to their subscribers:

  • independently add video content,
  • manage their user base,
  • define and monetize their service
  • create their application design without any programming knowledge.

Subscribers are offered advanced functionalities such as:

  • VoD,
  • live TV,
  • catch-up TV,
  • time-shift,
  • buffet TV

Network Manager offers providers who choose to use the Plum Play various business and financial models, as our goal is shared success reflected in subscriber growth.

  • A team of top-notch experts in video technologies
  • A team covering backend and frontend programming


Plum Play

is an all-in-one platform that enables watching VoD, Live, Catchup, and PVR types of video content anytime, anywhere, and on any device. User applications allow the user to quickly and easily access the content he wants to watch, and the visually recognizable and modern UI/UX design ensures maximum enjoyment. Plum Play combines classic live television with modern IP streaming services like YouTube or Netflix.